Can an architect indulge his desire for the clean look of metal-and-white-kitchen cabinets without casting a permanent chill on the heart of the house? New York designer and architect Wayne Turett pondered this question as he put together the kitchen in his Greenport, N.Y., home. He wanted a space as welcoming as a living room, but the architect of over 30 years also wished to explore his fascination with tectonic structure, the manner in which linear elements are connected. The metal grid that supports the shelving, cabinets and drawers remains visible. “A lot of times kitchen cabinets will hide these structural pieces behind pretty doors,” Mr. Turett explained. “I like to expose it.”
An added challenge: convincing his wife that this non-traditional cabinetry—including flat fronts with no hardware and drawers that seemed better suited to an office—could appear beautiful, light and organic. To avoid an overbearing industrial vibe, he chose a slender grid system of powder-coated steel and included copious open shelving, letting in light and airiness. The shelves also made room for objects normally sequestered in the living room, offsetting a potentially clinical feel. The outcome: a unique kitchen that’s functional and contemporary but warm enough to make the most important room in the house welcoming.