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The Turett Collaborative Passive House

Construction has started on an exciting new Turett Collaborative project; a Passive House style residential building on the North Fork of eastern Long Island.

What is a Passive House?

  1. The term passive house (Passivhaus in German) refers to a rigorous, voluntary standard for energy efficiency in a building, reducing its ecological footprint.

  2. A “Passive House” is an ultra-low energy building that requires little energy for space heating or cooling.

  3. Passive House design is a design process that is integrated with architectural design to produce structures that have the ability to passively maintain comfortable temperatures year round without investments in petrol based heating systems, or energy intensive air conditioning units.

  4. Passive House designs have minimal energy requirements, resulting in a very small carbon footprint for the building’s residents.

This majestic Snowy Egret was spotted last week on the dock of the Turett Collaborative Passive House site. It serves as a reminder that nature is all around us, and that Passive House design is just one small step towards a better future for the entire planet.


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